Simple but best!!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Dinner kat rumah I.

Supposedly, fishermen's party.
In the end, semua datang... HAHA well, had fun nways..
Those who freeloaded that day, hopefully see you guys fishing with me again sooon.
Kenneth was the earliest.He came at 6+, chao-ed at 7.30. The other early birds came at 8+. woo hoo , claps**

Ivan is drinking 100+. GROW cup.

Food Food Food.Food Food Food.FoodX3

Initially,nic sms-ed me.
nic: I'm coming for dinner ( 7+ )
nic: I'm not coming for dinner ( 8+ )
two face or not? u judge!

After lou,eyan,pat and ivan finished their dinner.
Ivan got a call from edwina.

This might not be the exact conversation but it went something like this....
ivan: Come over for dinner laaa , a lot of food left laaa...
edwina: Sure or not?
ivan: GOT A LOT LA , JUST COME.. ( actually little left , my parents have not eaten yet at that time )
*** see where i'm going? we got another 2 face guy in the group *** continue...
edwina declined. then ivan said
Ivan:i promise u a romantic dinner...
edwina said okay after some time.. then....

Shall we welcome the couple?

The waiters. Pat and Ken came from the kitchen serving the 2 plates of rice right after Ivan and I clapped as for a sign that our guests've arrived.

Ivan , the restaurant ' host ' was making sure that the dishes are well served and well placed.

Oh btw , it was the flash that made these pictures bright. It was actually dark and all we could see were the candles and the dim orangy light i've switched on to ensure a romantic evening for them.. Didnt you all think that it was the orangy light and candles that made the evening even more better?

The best-est date they could ever get in their life.

See what i meant?

The staff room upstairs.

The host hoping to get in the picture of the day contest.
Edwina was on the phone here.Kanye West concert stuff. boo loser... haha

After this we went for a movie named SHOOTER. Good show , starring Mark Wahlberg.
Got home at 3.
Every road has two directions. I want to choose the easier one can?


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